C incrementing pointer

Incrementing Pointer :

  1. Incrementing Pointer is generally used in array because we have contiguous memory in array and we know the contents of next memory location.
  2. Incrementing Pointer Variable Depends Upon data type of the Pointer variable

Formula : ( After incrementing )

new value =  current address +  i * size_of(data type)

Three Rules should be used to increment pointer -

Address + 1 = Address

Address++   = Address

++Address   = Address
Pictorial Representation :
Data TypeOlder Address stored in pointerNext Address stored in pointer after incrementing (ptr++)

Explanation : Incremeting Pointer

  • Incrementing a pointer to an integer data will cause its value to be incremented by 2 .
  • This differs from compiler to compiler as memory required to store integervary compiler to compiler
Note to Remember : Increment and Decrement Operations on pointer should be used when we have Continues memory (in Array).

Live Example 1 : Increment Integer Pointer


int main(){

int *ptr=(int *)1000;

printf("New Value of ptr : %u",ptr);

return 0;
Output :
New Value of ptr : 1002

Live Example 2 : Increment Double Pointer


int main(){

double *ptr=(double *)1000;

printf("New Value of ptr : %u",ptr);

return 0;
Output :
New Value of ptr : 1004

Live Example 3 : Array of Pointer 


int main(){

float var[5]={1.1f,2.2f,3.3f};

printf("Value inside ptr : %u",ptr);

printf("Value inside ptr : %u",ptr);

return 0;
Output :
Value inside ptr : 1000
Value inside ptr : 1020

Explanation :

Address of ptr[0] = 1000
We are storing Address of float array to ptr[0]. -
Address of ptr[1]
= Address of ptr[0] + (Size of Data Type)*(Size of Array)
= 1000 + (4 bytes) * (5)
= 1020
Address of Var[0]…Var[4] :
Address of var[0] = 1000
Address of var[1] = 1004
Address of var[2] = 1008
Address of var[3] = 1012
Address of var[4] = 1016

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