C Program to Print Square of Each Element of 2D Array Matrix

C Program : C Program to Print Square of Each Element of 2D Matrix


#define MAX_ROWS 3
#define MAX_COLS 4

void print_square(int [ ] );

void main (void)
 int row;
 int num [MAX_ROWS][MAX_COLS] = {

    for(row=0; row<MAX_ROWS; row++)
void print_square(int x[ ])
    int col;
    for (col = 0; col<MAX_COLS; col++)
        printf ("%dt", x[col] * x[col]);
Output :
0       1       4       9
16      25      36      49
64      81      100     121

Explanation :

Note 1 :
  • Wherever a macro name occurs in Program the Preprocessor Substitutes the code of the macro at that position.
  • Whenever we use variable name instead of Macro it will throw error.
int row=3,column=3;

int arr[row][column];

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