Working professionally with a computer has their hands on the keyboard most of the time. Reaching for the mouse can be an annoying disturbance and personally I often turn over my mouse in such situations. An easy solution is to simply keep the hands on the keyboard and complete as many tasks as possible with keyboard shortcuts only.
Apart from making you work more efficiently and faster, you can also impress your friends or colleagues by being able to work without a mouse. So I have some cool Windows 7 keyboard tricks to get you started. In the end you might never want to take your hands off the keyboard again.
Aero Shortcuts
- [Windows] + [Spacebar] (Aero Peek)
- [Windows] + [D] (Aero Peek)
- [Windows] + [Home] (Aero Shake)
- [Windows] + left arrow OR [Windows] + right arrow (Aero Snap)
- [Windows] + up arrow OR [Windows] + down arrow (Aero Snap)
- [Windows] + [SHIFT] + up arrow OR [Windows] + [SHIFT] + down arrow (Aero Snap)
- [Windows] + [Tab] (Aero Flip)
Windows & Taskbar
- [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [Tag] + left/right/up/down arrow
- [Alt] + [Tab]
- [Windows] + [T] OR [Windows] + [SHIFT] + [T]. Move focus to front or back of taskbar. Press [T] again while holding the [Windows] key to cycle through items in the taskbar from left to right or, with [SHIFT] button held too, from right to left.
- [Windows] + [B]
- [Windows] + [1] THROUGH [Windows] + [9]
- [Windows] + [SHIFT] + [1] THROUGH [Windows] + [SHIFT] + [9]
- [Windows] + [Ctrl] + [1] THROUGH [Windows] + [Ctrl] + [9]
- [Windows] + [Alt] + [1] THROUGH [Windows] + [Alt] + [9]
Multiple Monitors
- [Windows] + [SHIFT] + right arrow OR [Windows] + [SHIFT] + left arrow
- [Windows] + [P]
- [Windows] + [+] OR [Windows] + [-]
- [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [D]
- [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [L]
- [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [F]
- [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [I]
- [Windows] + [Esc]
- [Windows] + [G]
- [Windows] + [X]